Glory Pickleball - Paddle Coming Soon!

Glory Pickleball - Paddle Coming Soon!


Welcome to Glory Pickleball! I am so excited to officially launch this pickleball brand. I am an avid pickleball player currently living in Columbus, Ohio. Glory Pickleball started with my love for the game and heart for Christ.

I was frustrated with the rising prices of the latest paddles and decided to make my own Paddle with the same technology, but at a lower price. I realized there was a gap in the market with not many pickleball companies that are openly Christian. 

If you are looking to level up your game you are in the right place. 

Be sure to follow us on our socials:

Instagram @GloryPickleball

Facebook @GloryPickleball

YouTube @GloryPickleball

Order the Glory Pickleball Paddle Here!

The paddle should be ready to ship by early August 2023!

Glory goes to God!

- Taylor

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